
Mac Owen Shaffer

While a few of the first images you will see are Ken and Deborah’s personal photos, the majority of the color photos in this gallery were taken by Ohio photographer Mac Owen Shaffer, who visited Warren County on numerous occasions to visually document the events as they unfolded. Mac’s wife, Kathy, generously donated his PCB photo collection to the Ferruccios, and all of these photos are copyright protected. Photos may not be reproduced, published, or distributed without written persmission from Ken and Deborah Ferruccio.

Matt Cooper Jr.

The black & white photos in this gallery were taken by UNC Daily Tarheel photojournalist Matt Cooper Jr., who captured the first day of the PCB protest movement on September 15, 1982. Matt donated his photo collection to Deborah and Ken, and all of these photos are copyright protected. Photos may not be reproduced, published, or distributed without written persmission from Ken and Deborah Ferruccio.